The newest addition to the Wavelength laser diode driver line is the LDxCHA family. With current outputs available from 2.5 A up to 15 A, this low noise laser diode driver (as low as 7 µA RMS noise at 100 kHz with the LD2.5CHA) offers exceptional modulation bandwidth (up to 1 MHz with the LD2.5CHA). Safety features include: initial configurations can be made prior to enabling current to the laser, adjustable clipping current limit ensures that output current will never exceed the user-set limit, slow-start and delay circuitry, brownout protection, and over-/under-voltage protection. Simple wiring is achieved by using spring-loaded terminal strips. It can be easily mounted to an optics table, or to a Wavelength heat sink.

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Once you have chosen a product, zoom in on the new high-resolution images to see all of the details, or download the datasheet for more technical information. Easily access our Design Tools, How-To videos, relevant citations, Application / Technical Notes, and Case Studies directly from the product page. Hassle-free ordering is available from the online shopping cart once you are ready to order.

Wavelength Now Offering Real-Time Support for Pacific Rim and Asia
We are pleased to announce that Wavelength will now have real-time support for the regions including the Pacific Rim and Asia. Joe McDonald, one of our Application Engineers, is currently residing in Luoyang, China. While in China, he will be available for support and visits in that region. For more information, email jmcdonald@teamwavelength.com to either set up an appointment, or to ask questions with real-time response.

Photonics West 2018 Recap
Photonics West 2018 was a resounding success. We were happy to have many personal visits, and to answer questions at the booth. If you were able to stop by, it was great to see you! If you were unable to make it, please contact us with any questions you may have. We were able to present many of our components and modules for hands-on inspection, and had our touchscreen instruments up and running. New products that were on display included the LDxCHA, the TC15 LAB, and the LDMOUNT.
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