October 14, 2013

Wavelength, along with ILX Lightwave, Edmund Optics and Hammamatsu are sponsoring a webcast by MIRTHE on QCL use in methane emission detection and analysis.

Natural gas extraction from horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) promises an abundant and inexpensive domestic energy source; per unit energy, natural gas combustion produces only half the carbon dioxide emissions of coal. However, methane is 25 times more potent as a greenhouse gas on a per molecule basis than carbon diozide, and fugitive methane emissions from the natural gas supply chain (from extraction to end users) much above 1% of the total production would negate the climate benefits of transitioning from coal to natural gas.One of the key barriers for identifying and mitigating fugitive methane emissions is a lack of compact, portable, and field-robust sensors.

This webcast covers recent developments and field deployments of compact quantum-cascade-laser (QCL)-based methane sensors to quantify methane emissions from the Barnett, Marcellus, and Monterey Shales. Fugitive methane concentrations, plume sizes, and distribution of emissions rates from shale gas extraction, storage, and transmission will be presented, along with a summary of the technical and sampling challenges needed to quantify fugitive methane emissions from the lifecycle of the natural-gas supply chain.

Mark Zondlo, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
at Princeton University, will be presenting.

October 30, 2013

1:00 PM EDT
12:00 PM CDT
10:00 AM PDT
5:00 PM GMT

What You’ll Learn:

  • Methane and hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”)
  • Quantum-cascade-laser (QCL)-based methane sensors
  • Technical challenges associated with methane sampling
  • Experimental results

Who Should Attend:

  • Design engineering
  • Optical and systems engineering
  • Basic research
  • Applied research & development
  • Engineering management

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