We’ll have the LD15CHA Laser Diode Driver available for inspection. This 15 A / 30 V module has been used in micro-machining, fiberoptics and applications utilizing laser diode bars and stacks.
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Researchers from Switzerland have developed a more practical and robust method for studying the effects of exceptional point (EP) singularities. As lasers provide an ideal system for direct observation and engineering of spectral singularities, two dual section distributed feedback (DFB) quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) were designed with Fabry-Perot modes and quarter wave shifted (QWS) DFB modes. By varying the physical location of the QWS defect as well as the injection current, researchers were able to observe and study EPs based on the coupling parameters of the system. These results show that the developed QCL is a perfect platform to study and further the knowledge of EPs and the effects they have between the weak and strong coupled regime of a laser.
Due to the temperature dependence on the injection current of the QCL, researchers upgraded the electronic drive equipment to utilize the high performance capabilities of Wavelength Electronics’ QCL driver. This critical component enables the sensitive measurements and analysis of EP degeneracy in QCLs and other non-Hermitian systems. Because the EP degeneracy is lifted at only a certain applied current, ultra-low noise laser drivers were needed. This project, aided by the QCL2000 OEM, suggests a more practical and flexible design for exploring the effects of EPs in non-Hermitian photonic coupled systems.
Capillary-based backscattering interferometry has been used as a highly sensitive refractive index sensing tool to measure molecular binding. Generally, ray tracing is used to simulate the backscattered light from the specific capillary. Previous ray tracing models do not account for polarization effects, capillary dimensions, material choices, and other parameters that could change the interference patterns captured. Researchers from the United Kingdom have developed a comprehensive ray tracing model including many parameters not previously reported. The significance of the inner diameter, outer diameter, and the refractive index of the capillary material are shown to heavily influence the interference pattern. Potential designs are explored to measure sensitive temperature changes, and therefore refractive index changes, based on capillary characteristics.
Due to temperature dependence of the refractive index of the solution inside the capillary and the capillary itself, the aluminum stage that holds the capillary needs to be maintained at a stable temperature. Wavelength Electronics’ WTC3243HB temperature controller can achieve 0.0009ºC temperature stability when coupled with a Peltier thermoelectric module. This controller, an adaption of the standard WTC3243 controller, operates from 3.6 V, Lithium-Ion batteries. The WTC3243HB ensured stable refractive index of the solution inside the capillary, correlating to a more stable and repeatable backscattering light collection from the camera. By using the WTC3243HB temperature controller, researchers were able to maintain consistent and stable temperatures of the capillary and the solution inside the capillary in this backscattering interferometer, beneficial for measuring molecular binding via interferometric refractive index sensing.
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